Heartsong Yoga Center

"Teach Yoga for Food" All Levels Yoga by Non Perishable Food Donation, In-Studio Great Room
with Beth


November 23 (Thursday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

In Studio Great Room

All Levels Yoga, New Year's Day 1 to 2 pm.
In Studio,

It says the class is FREE....but please bring your nonperishables for the Open Pantry
Pre-registration is the best, but walk-ins will be welcome.

Now more than ever we must find ways to be generous and supportive to those who may be struggling this holiday season.  “Teach Yoga for Food” has been offered for many years here at Heartsong Yoga, and we are grateful to be able to continue the tradition by teaching in the studio so you can share your abundance with others, by bringing in non-perishable food donations to class.  All proceeds benefit Springfield's Open Pantry

Items most needed, Please check your expiration dates.
Tuna fish
Spaghetti Sauce
Peanut Butter
Kids Snacks
Canned Pasta
Meal Helpers
Baby food
Canned vegetables and fruits


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
