Heartsong Yoga Center

Pop Up Full Moon Yoga Class to Benefit the Siddhartha School Zoom
with Beth & Sheila


August 18 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Live Stream Zoom

Pop-Up Benefit Class with Beth & Sheila
Did you know that Heartsong Yoga sponsors a full year of education for a student at the Siddhartha School in Ladakh, India, through one or two benefit classes each year? Changsem Dorjey, a delightful 4th grader, and his family are so grateful for your support. Our 108 Sun Salutes event in June raised about half of what we need for the 2024/25 school year, so we've decided to host a Pop-Up Moon Salute event this weekend!

All Levels Moon Salutation Benefit Class
By donation, hybrid class—In-Studio or Zoom
Join us for storytelling, Yogic Moon Mythology, Moon Magic, all variations of the Moon Salutations, and deep guided relaxation.


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