Heartsong Yoga Center

with Amy


April 26 (Monday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
70 minutes

Live Stream Zoom

Zoom Heartsong Yoga at Home
Ashtanga Yoga is a vigorous, flowing (vinyasa style) practice. While not a more advanced style of yoga, it often draws those looking for a more physically challenging pace but is accessible for all levels. Ashtanga connects movement with breath in a dynamic series of postures done with calm focused attention for strength, flexibility and a quiet mind.

While steeped in the traditional aspects of the Ashtanga system, our Ashtanga classes are offered "Heartsong Yoga Style".  At Heartsong, you will find the traditional style, along with the opportunity to explore these practices in an eclectic, playful, and creative way, designed to be supportive to all students of all levels.  Each class will follow along a traditional sequence but in order to teach in an hour, or to meet the needs of the students, and for variety throughout the week, each class will be slightly different, with an invitation to "pay attention" and "let go of expectations" throughout!

You will receive a link to join this class on the zoom platform 15  min. before class.
Must have a zoom app on your device.


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