Heartsong Yoga Center

108 Sun Salutations Benefit Class
with Sheila

June 20 (Sunday)
at 7:00 am

Class length
75 minutes


Heartsong Yogis will gather at 7 am for an early morning start as the sun rises in the sky to practice 108 Sun Salutations together! If you love a strong and playful practice, join us! If you are not sure if you can do 108 Sun Salutations, come do a few! If you do not know how to do a Sun Salute...we will teach you!! All Yogis of All Levels are welcome You can do 1 Surya Namaskara (Sun Salute) or 108. Or just sit and breathe and enjoy the energy of the group.

We plan to do this outside, in the lower parking lot,  but if the weather does not cooperate, we will go indoors.  

The practice of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) honors the change of seasons and the transitions of nature’s sun and earth energy. It is a moving meditation, a practice to train your mind to "be here now, and only here" and to strengthen your body through the repetition of movements. We will give modifications throughout, choices, chances to rest, and opportunities to support the group with your presence and with your voice, helping us to count and to remember!

ps....if you want to make a donation at the studio that day, you may "walk in" ....cash or check please, checks made out to the Siddhartha School.  Thank you.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
