Heartsong Yoga Center

5 wk Yoga for Beginners Course 10/23 - 11/20
October 23, 2024 November 20, 2024
with Sheri

Total # of Classes

Class length
75 minutes

Driftwood Room

For those brand new to Yoga, or if you want a refresher
5 weeks, $85. 
7:15 to 8:30 pm. In-Studio only.
$85. There are no make-ups for this course.
If you want to come to individual classes within this course, you you purchase single class pass to attend.

Sign up for 5 weeks In-Studio Classes.
Or, sign up for individual class(es) within the course.

(The first class generally goes a little late, with introductions and getting oriented!)

A progressive learning environment with individualized attention.
We like to call Kripalu Yoga "Yoga for Every-Body" and it's at the heart of every class at Heartsong Yoga. This course will give the new practitioner a chance to learn a little about the background and intentions of practice, understand some of the benefits of a regular yoga practice, and have the chance to work in a more individualized mannerLearn the foundations of a balanced yoga practice, from the "beginning". We will build the practice week to week, with time to personalize your poses and ask your questions!

The class takes place on...

You may also register for individual classes in this series by clicking a specific date above.


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
